Our goal with this web site is to give an insight to our customers about the operating philosophies of our shop, services we offer, company history, and peace of mind knowing your vehicle is in good hands at Tony's Auto Service Tony's Auto Services 1112 First Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-1616 (703) 683-5050
Friday, May 23, 2014
Auto Maintenance Tip
Octane Overdose
"If some is good, more is better" thinking does not apply to octane. Here the rule is to supply whatever octane the engine is rated for and call it done. Higher-than-required octane does not yield more power or mileage, only oil company profits.
Some engines are rated for premium 91 octane fuel but can burn 87 octane regular, thanks to the magic of knock sensors. In that case, run regular gas if puttering around surface streets, and premium fuel if full-throttle driving is part of your daily repertoire.