Our goal with this web site is to give an insight to our customers about the operating philosophies of our shop, services we offer, company history, and peace of mind knowing your vehicle is in good hands at Tony's Auto Service Tony's Auto Services 1112 First Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-1616 (703) 683-5050
Friday, January 29, 2016
While women, especially moms, are excellent at multitasking, no one should attempt to do too much while driving. We’ve all done it in the car — putting on mascara on the way to work, eating a burger because there’s no time to stop, etc. But, these seemingly harmless acts are distracting and can potentially lead to a crash. Pull over on the side of the road to apply make-up, check a map or anything else that diverts your attention away from the road. In the bigger scheme of things, all of these little tasks can wait until you’ve reached your destination.