Our goal with this web site is to give an insight to our customers about the operating philosophies of our shop, services we offer, company history, and peace of mind knowing your vehicle is in good hands at Tony's Auto Service Tony's Auto Services 1112 First Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-1616 (703) 683-5050
Friday, February 5, 2016
Over time, say detailers, oxidation — which occurs when heat and oxygen combine — will break down even the highest quality vehicle paint. Therefore, it’s important to keep your car clean and to apply wax at least twice a year. The pros suggest increasing the frequency of waxing to three or four times a
year if you live in a place that receives intense sun exposure or where road salt is used. If you have the time and energy to wax your vehicle yourself, the pros recommend that you make sure it’s freshly washed, rinsed and allowed to thoroughly dry. Apply a thin layer of wax, buff off the excess, and repeat. Don’t over-apply, detailers warn, because a thin application will bond and cure better.